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Order Uncommon Law Today!

After five long years, the time has finally come for the release of Uncommon Law! It’s been a crazy journey getting to this point, and we’re thrilled to share it with the world. Uncommon Law is now available for digital purchase & rental on Amazon, and for pre-order on DVD & Blu-Ray in the shop on!

DVD/Blu-Ray Details:

  • Special Features include a blooper reel and audio commentary with writer/director Brian Work, actor Mick Taylor, and production manager Amy Morrow.
  • Blu-Rays cost $20 and DVDs cost $15. Shipping is free within the United States. Discs will ship on or before November 15, 2016.

About Uncommon Law:
After years of bailing each other out of bad dates by pretending to be married, best friends and longtime roommates Brendan & Melissa receive a court notice that they are now common law married.

Uncommon Law was written & directed by Brian Work, and stars Mick Taylor, Christie Vozniak, Myles Grier, Jules Nobles, Rob Epstein, Mandi Christine Kerr, Kyle Tutton, & Lacey Patten.

Note: Edited original post to remove information about digital downloads on Vimeo; post updated to show digital purchases are now available on Amazon instead.

Atlanta-based actor, writer, and filmmaker, and the oft-broke head of Cold Silver Films.

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