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Cover artwork for the book "Into the Black", featuring a cowboy hat hanging off the handle of a sword

Into the Black: A Novel by Brian Work

Hello! As you may have noticed, this site has been dead for the last five years. That’s because I (Brian) have transitioned into a full-time job as a high school theatre teacher, so I’ve put film work off to the side for now. BUT that doesn’t mean I’m done creating!

My first novel, Into the Black, is set for release on August 2, 2022! It will be available in ebook & paperback on Amazon. You can find more information on my website,

I still plan to return to film work in the next few years, and have a couple of ideas ringing around in my head. Who knows, maybe I’ll finally finish those two short horror films that have been in post-production for over a decade. But for now, I’ve really been enjoying writing books, and I’ve got a few more in the pipeline.

(Also: I apologize for all the errors on this site for the last few years; some malware infected my WordPress and I wasn’t able to get it fixed until recently. Should be all good now!)

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